Since winter term of our school year, our language arts teacher, has required his perspectives and AP Lang classes to write blogs. Our requirement was to do 750 words a week, 3 blogs, about 250 words in each blog. It wasn't a bad assignment.
When we first started I absolutely hated it. Like not oh I hate it I don't want to do it, but hate it as in I would rather run into a tree and knock myself out. I have never been the kind of person to tell my true feelings to anyone, I have never been super interested in anything that I've had opinions about it. I just never have. Yeah, I like things and I'm interested in things, but my opinions are mine and they aren't like completely thought out ideas and I just don't have anything to write about them.
The time when I first started blogging the most, well of course I always did it for credit in class, is when I was going through a rough time or change in my life. It wasn't like I was using it as my diary or anything, because that's really lame. I more used it as a way of getting what had been bothering me or what had been on my mind a lot...I used it to get all of that off of my mind. I gave my opinions about it. I never talked about a controversial issue or anything that was a popular topic, but more of what every high school senior was going through at the time. A lot of high schoolers have relationships, homework, college searches, and family problems. I wanted to write about the stuff other high schoolers could relate to. I didn't give advice, but I guess if anyone read this they would know that they aren't the only ones going through hard times or stuff like this...that everyone was going through it. I don't know...
I really did end up liking to blog. It was a good release for me and it made me happier for getting stuff out that I normally kept to myself.