Monday, May 25, 2009
B...L...O...G...G...I...N...G... :)

I'm confused..
It's a big thing going to college. Especially a so expensive college. I want it to be a really good experience. I'm kind of scared. But I'm kind of excited. I don't know how to feel. I feel as if I had more information then I wouldn't be as iffy about the whole situation. Like I don't know what questions to ask, but ever since I gave them my $200 deposit I haven't heard anything from them besides the day school starts. But, I could have figured that out without them sending me that. I just want help. It's a big decision and I just want to feel good about making the right decision. That would be awesome.
Everyone's pretty much chosen their college. We had our school newspaper come out last friday that said which school every senior is going to. It's pretty exciting to see where people are going to end up. There is some people going to Coe, but not a lot, so I won't have a problem with that. I didn't really find my class very interesting or very nice. There were a lot of clicks and you had to be in a certain click and only hang out with a certain click, and I just didn't like it. I was more of the person that got along with a lot of people and had many friends, but I only had a few really good friends that I could count on.
I'm very skeptical about everything. I can never think anyone is completely honest and everyone will hurt you at least some point in your life. It's kind of a really bad way to think about things. That's kind of what my childhood has taught me, which sucks, but I'm getting past it kind of. I trust a few more people now than I use to and I try not to let things bother me as much. It's really hard sometimes, but I can't be perfect.
So I kind of just realized that I'm writing down random thoughts that pop into my head. I'm pretty happy with my life right now. But, I haven't been letting things get to me, so it's harder to write about some things.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
I've been to them in the past years, but that's okay. I don't have a dress to wear yet, but hopefully I'll find one. I'm excited to graduate. My older sister is going to come for the ceremony and stay for four days. I love seeing her. She's fun, especially because I don't see her very often.
I'm not excited for all of the speeches and the rehearsal. Thursday morning at 9:30, our first day without school, we have to be at the U.S. Cellular Center for rehearsal, which sucks. Then, our graduation is at 7:30. I'm actually going to have people there besides my mom. I think both of my sisters, my dad, and Rj. :) okay...so that's not that many, but I'm use to my family never showing up for stuff because they are too busy, so this is a big deal to me.
Plus, this is one time where my dad shows me he cares about me. Yeah, I hate that I have to do something good for him to like me, but it still feels good that he likes me sometimes.
My Graduation Party
I haven't had my grad party yet, its next weekend, but I'm excited for it.
Now the bad part....
My mom power washed our house. We're painting it...I'm watching Rj paint it right now...She is painting our kitchen. She took out bushes in the front of our house. She got our retaining wall done. We have one of the dirtiest and most cluttered garage in the world and she's cleaning that out for me. My mom is just amazing by doing this for me. She is so stressed out though. But, after she will be so happy it turned out the way she wanted it to.
For graduation I'm getting a laptop from my mom. I haven't gotten a Christmas or birthday present for about two years. I'm getting a t.v. from my dad. And I'm just excited to see everyone.
My mom's birthday is next saturday and I want to get her something really special to show her how much I appreciate this. I appreciate it SO much. Even my dad is helping....which is a huge surprise. He's helping my mom better her house and that actually makes me happy seeing that because she has had to do so much for us by herself, that its good he's finally helping her out.
I'm excited!! Now I just have to go to the 80 billion other grad parties for everyone else lol
bye bye high school
I have 2 more days left!!
I'm so excited. I'm so sick of school. For the last two weeks we have barely been doing anything in school, which is a good thing since most people wouldn't want to do anything. But TWO MORE DAYS!!
I've had some really good times in high school, and also some really bad. I've made a lot of friends, and decided who aren't really my true friends. So many of my friends that I was friends with in middle school are not my friends anymore. Middle school was a terrible time in my life. I was in that very awkward stage. I was pretty shy, but also pretty nice. I started middle school not knowing anyone, so I made friends with random people. I just didn't like it.
In high school I grew up a lot. I experienced a lot of different things, I got sick of drama which is involved with a lot of people. I realized what was important to me. I made some life long friends, and it was just a good experience. Yeah, the school part sucked sometimes, but it was so much fun if I look at it overall. I'm kind of scared to go to college and grow up, because things are a lot more easy now, but I'm glad this part of my life is over. It will be a bumpy and good experience to get past high school. I just hope my future works out how I would want it to.
:) PROM :)
I normally stay at dances for like 30 minutes and then leave because I'm so bored, but it was really one of the best nights of my life. I had so much fun. I went with the perfect group, with the perfect guy, and I had the perfect dress. I felt like a princess :)
First, I started getting ready at like 10 in the morning. Then, the receptionist at my work did my hair (she has her own salon). It was beautiful! and she sprayed glitter all over my hair and I loved it!
Then, Rj came to pick me up. He had his grandma's car. So basically both mine and Rj's cars are pieces of crap. We definitely both need new ones because ours could break down at any point. His grandma was very nice to let us borrow her car. It was just one of the extra perks Rj did to make my night special. He was absolutely amazing by the way...all he wanted to do was make me happy.
So, after he picked me up we went to his grandma's house to take pictures, then to Elmcrest (my mom is the photographer so she wanted tons of pictures lol), and then to Tiffany's house to take group pictures. I loved our group. It wasn't too big and we had a lot of fun. We had some weird pictures, but I love it. After Tiffany's, Rj and I went to his best friends house. His best friend's mom is like a second mom to Rj, so we were nice and let her take pictures of us.
Grand march was next. We were like the sixth in line, which was sweet because we didn't have to wait around and stand in a huge line. It was fun. Rj looked very handsome. And of course Tiffany had to stand out, she had very bright colored tennis shoes on under her beautiful dress, it was funny. As we were walking Rj's mom yelled "you look beautiful" to me. It was funny.
So, to the dance....
We took group pictures, and hung out, and ate. A lot of people ate at Elmcrest, so it was pretty fun. So the reason I normally leave dances early is because I get bored dancing, but this was SOO different. Rj is the best dancer I've ever had. He pays so much attention to me and just has fun and smiles ALL OF THE TIME!!! I love it. It was so much fun!
After the dance we went to Sonic to get ice cream, where Tiffany decided to take a short ten minute nap, but that's okay it was cute lol. And then we went to post prom. It was also super fun. Normally bowling gets boring after a while, but it didn't. Tiffany won a digital camera and she gave her old one to Rj, which he loves!! I won a 25 dollar gift card to Old Navy. I don't really shop there, but I could probably find something to buy there.
I ended the night by going home with Rj. It was so much fun!! He is so sweet and the perfect date. I'm so happy I never even thought about going with anyone else. Oh yeah...I said before that I had to ask the principals if it was okay if he went...I did and they obviously said yes. But Rj was so happy to be there that he went up to our principal, who he hates, and thanked her for letting him come. It was so adorable and so sweet. I'm so glad we both had such a good time.
Friday, May 15, 2009
ummmmm what?
Like...should a person really have a problem with me because of who my family is or my boyfriend or my boyfriends family? Like I can't control that...well I can control who my boyfriend is, but he really makes me happy so I'm keeping him. But, really? To my face you can't be like all cool about it and then behind my back....or in my case.....someone's blog....you can't sit there and call me out on it, using my name, and say you have a problem with it. That just kind of hurts.
I don't know...its not that big of a deal, but I just read it so that's why its on my mind right now... Like, really? We have mouths we can talk...I don't know. I've just like tried to be the nicest I can about all these situations. I told her I would be there for her, help her through anything, ask her if things are okay with her before I do it...like I just don't want to make anyone uncomfortable, and that's why I ask. It's not like I'm going to freak out, I ask cuz it's an iffy situation. I don't know...basically its all gay and its bothering me right now, but I'm going to get over it. It's prom tomorrow. It's going to be fun
Friday, May 1, 2009

Don't leave the one you love for the one you like...because the one you like will leave you for the one they love.
This is my all time favorite quote. Not many people believe in true love. A lot of people believe it's complete bull. When they have someone that treats them special, they take it for granted and mess things up.
My all time biggest pet peeve...the worst thing I think anyone could do to a person...would be to cheat on them. That's basically what this quote is about. If there is someone out there that respects you and treats you decent, even if they aren't your "soulmate", then why would you intentionally hurt them? What's the point?
There's not even a good excuse on why to cheat on someone. There's so many... "they did it to me, so now we're even", "I was drunk and didn't know what I was doing", "I didn't mean to", "They made me", "I didn't know what i was doing"...etc... These are all pathetic excuses. They don't even make sense.
Why would you cheat on someone if you cared for them? Or even if they cared about you and showed you some respect. Respect them back. It's not right to cheat. Leave the person you're with before you hurt them and cause more drama.
When someone cheats it causes the person they're cheating on a lot of heartache and challenges for their future. Yeah, they will get over the person, but they would probably have trust issues. I know I do...it sucks. It really takes me a lot to trust anyone now. And if I do, I don't get my expectations very high because I'm just expecting them to hurt me. It's not good.
So, basically I think that what I'm trying to say is cheating is wrong. Please don't do it to anyone. Spare people's feelings and just be nice. Don't hurt someone when it can be prevented. Just think about your actions before you commit them.
I really want to turn 18. I really want a tattoo. My mom would absolutely kill me. Like way freak out. But when I'm 18 she really has no right over my body and she can't make the decisions on what I can do with it. Plus, I'm not going to get many or anything big. I just want something small that I can hide that means something to me.
My problem is...I have no idea what to get!!!! I don't know what would mean something to me. Ugh.... I've actually been thinking about this for a long time, and I haven't came up with anything. So I need help... :(
Thursday, April 30, 2009
hey :)
18 days of school left!! yay!!!!!
There's probably three things I like about school right now.
1 - It gives me something to do
2 - I get to see the people I like
3 - Teachers are very relaxed and realize none of us want to be here
Although there are some positives, there are MANY negatives on why I don't want to be here
~I'm sick of a lot of people
~I would rather be sleeping
~It's getting nice outside
~I can think of other things I would love to instead
~And surprisingly, working so I can get paid sounds more enjoyable than sitting in class
I have liked going to Kennedy these four years. I started out as this really quiet and shy freshman that kept her personal life to herself and only wanted a few good friends. Over the years I've kept some of those good friends, lost some, and gained some. I have become a lot more opinionated compared to then. I am also a lot less shy. I've realized what is important to me and what isn't and I've gotten rid of the things that made my life worse or weren't good for me. I've experienced a lot of things I never thought I would have and I've never done something super bad that I really regret. Everything you do in high school doesn't really effect the rest of your life. If you go to school and maintain passing grades, you should be fine. What you do in high school helps you get into college, but it doesn't help you pass college or survive in the world outside of high school.
I'm glad I wasn't this perfect little girl that did whatever she could to excel in high school, but never had the chance to experience anything. I think I did really good at balancing my schoolwork and personal life. I did get good grades, but I also had fun and hung out with friends a lot.
Monday, April 20, 2009
So Much To Do, So Little Time
So, this is my "TO DO LIST"
1) Send my acceptance money to Coe
2) Send out graduation invites
3) Plan my graduation party
4) Maintain my grades so I can graduate with distinction :)
5) Get ready for the AP exams
6) Clean everything in my house for my grad party
7) Have two jobs
8) Have a social life and be happy
So, this doesn't really seem like a lot to do, but it actually is. I'm normally really good at managing my time, but it's not as easy as it use to be. I do and will eventually get everything done on time, but it's not easy. Every senior is going through all of this right now, and I definitely think I understand senioritis now. I'm trying not to let it take me over until after my AP exams, but it's hard. Some people have already given up this term, but I'm trying my best to stay on the right path. I guess we'll see.. actually...I definitely want to. This graduate with distinction thing is what I've wanted for forever...well since I realized I had the opportunity to. I just have to work hard at it... :(
So this is sweet... :)
Sooo....Rj's favorite color is blue. I went out and bought 50 blue balloons. Then I went out and bought his favorite candy: 3 boxes of charleston chews, 2 bags of sour patch kids, a box of zours, and a mixed bag of mini chocolate bars. I individually bagged all of the candy into 50 plastic bags and then I put them into each balloon. It was so hard!! My friend Ashlee helped and both of our fingers turned blue and she even got a blister.
After this, I had planned to eat at his work with my sister. When I walked inside his work I told him that I left my debit card in his car the night before and I needed it, so he gave me his keys. I went out and stuck all of the balloons in his car. I also bought a Bears sweatshirt and stuck that on his seat, a Bears air freshener and stuck that on his mirror, and 100 Disney princess sticky notes. On the sticky notes I wrote stuff like "will you go to prom with me?", "I love you", "Please Please Please", and "Prom?". I put all 100 sticky notes around the inside of his car.
It was good timing because he got off work the same time I got done eating, so we walked out together. He walked to his car and saw it and it made him so happy. That's all I wanted. It was kind of lame...I know. But, it was so awesome how happy he got. It was all worth it. Like WAY worth it. :) :) I'm smiling right now writing this. It just makes me happy. :)
So, today while I was at work I got called upstairs. As I walked upstairs right away someone handed me a dozen roses in a vase. It was SO SWEET!!! They were beautiful. There was a note inside that said, "I love you Bertha. (which is what he calls me) My answer is yes!! to everything..Love Rj" It was so cute! I loved it. Yeah, I've gotten flowers before but I've never gotten flowers sent to me. I was so happy. He is the sweeetest boy ever! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
Sunday, April 19, 2009
dear you,
This sounds like the perfect thing any girl would want to hear, right? Who would really believe it could ever be true? Guys say stuff to girls all of the time just to get what they want out of them, or to just be with them at the time but not for real.
Well I actually hear this everyday of my life. Crazy?? I know!! But it's actually really nice. Like it seems like a dream when I'm with him. He always says the sweetest things to me and I love it. It's not only when I'm with him either. When I'm not he sends me random texts saying he misses me and loves me and he's really sweet about it.
So, don't get all like eewww gross on me either. Yes, I am in love but there is no way I think love is easy. I am not a hopeless romantic and I know firsthand that most guys are not like this. I've been treated like shit, just like everyone else. I also am very apprehensive about believing that Rj is actually one of the good guys. He doesn't seeem to want to hurt me and he does seem genuine. It's a really nice change and I love how good he treats me. I just hope it stays like this. I don't know what my future is going to be, but I do know that if he stays faithful and always shows that he cares about me then I would love to keep him around as long as I can. :)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The worst guy in the world
He kicked me out for my first time when I was in second grade. Okay...dad of the year! SECOND GRADE and he's kicking out his daughter for probably doing something that kids are suppose to do. So, I'm pretty sure that is one example that shows how awesome of a parent he is. He can't deal with his kids making mistakes, LIKE THEY ARE SUPPOSE TO! He wants to have perfect little angels as children and he can never understand why they would make any mistake at all. I'm pretty 100% sure that he's made mistakes. I've seen him make tons of them.
So, over the years he kicked me out for a few days to a week, then would apologize because he couldn't even remember why he did it. So I'd always go back to forgiving him and living our usual schedule we had between him and my mom.
When I was in seventh grade that's when I was fed up with it. He kicked me out because his wife (now ex) didn't like that when I came home I would go to my room and do homework instead of spending time with her. Like she would literally cry over it. It was really stupid and pathetic. That's when I realized that I don't have to put up with his shit anymore. He chose his wife of a few months over his own child, and for a stupid reason. I spent so much time crying that night and the next day. It was probably the worse feeling I've ever had and the worst thing I've ever been through. I finally realized that day that no matter what my dad said or how much my DNA says, he never wanted me or anything to do with me unless it made him look good.
Even though this was probably the worst thing that's ever happened to me, I think it's also the best thing. I now have the best relationship with my mom and he knows I won't put up with his shit anymore. I stand up for myself. He's not use to it and he absolutely hates it. We only argue, I don't think there's ever a time that we get along. It's a pretty bad situation, but what can I do? Do I really want to be hurt continuously for the rest of my life? He does it to everyone. My older sister realized it, his ex wife, my mom, and I'm pretty sure all of his girlfriends. He's very two faced and can be a really nice fake person, but the real person inside of him is selfish and angry. He only cares about himself. It's kind of a terrible feeling to know that no matter what I'm apart of him.
So, since I was in seventh grade, I've ignored him a lot. He always tries to be involved in my life when I do good to look like "a good parent", when he probably can't even name 5 of my friends, how long I've been dating my boyfriend, or how long I've worked at my job. He just doesn't care. He doesn't want to get to know me, so when he tries to get involved I get pissed. Not just pissed, but I flip out on everyone that stands up for him or tries to tell me his side of the argument. Basically, no one's going to change my mind. He is a down right evil person that I want nothing to do with. He keeps getting involved with me going to college, and it's not right. He knows nothing about my life, which I really don't have a problem with, so I pretty much think that he shouldn't be able to get the perks or rewards of saying that he has a very accomplished daughter. He just tries to put me down, but I know what I've done to get respect. I know how hard I've worked. He knows absolutely nothing. He makes bets with people on how bad I'm going to screw up. I just can't wait until I'm officially old enough to get him out of my life permanently, because it is my choice. Right now I still have attachments to him through my sister, so I can't be totally rid of him, but one of these days I'll be out and he will never talk to me ever again. I've already said he's not allowed at my wedding, whenever that is. I don't want the one person who has continuously made me feel like shit and continuously hurt me my entire life be there to celebrate the happiest day of my life. He doesn't deserve it. I would rather have someone who respects me and my happiness and someone who I respect to be the one there.
I just can't wait until this is over. Until I can finally get rid of him. Until I can officially get him out of my life. It's pathetic that I've had other people be more like a father figure to me than he is. It's just pathetic. I can't wait until he's gone forever...
Monday, April 13, 2009
How did I go from zero jobs to three jobs??
In March I got a job at Sears as a cashier. I really liked this job too. It was kind of boring sometimes, but I did enjoy working with people and the money. (since I do want to become an accountant)
And a couple of weeks ago my mom's boss, Jon, came up to me and personally asked me if I wanted a job at Read Photography. I was really hesitant about it, for a couple of reasons actually. Well one...my mom works there. She's worked there for 19 years so I was kind of hesitant about working with her. Another reason is, I'm not working with my mom at all but I'm working with Jon's son, Brian. So I've known Jon and his family for my whole life. I've always thought Brian was a little weird. Not in a bad way, but it's just how it is.
I decided to take the job at Read. I start today. I'm going to be packaging all of the prints that go out to everyone, help with senior pictures, and sometimes help with dances. It should be pretty cool. I get to start out at a higher pay than most people who start there because all full time people get health insurance, and Jon already pays mine because of my mom, so I get the higher pay to start. Then, it's a lot more hours than I could get working at any other place. This summer I'm going to be working from 9-6 or 6:30 monday through friday. That's good money and a lot of hours. It will also leave my nights and weekends open so I can have a life. I'm pretty excited.
I put in my two weeks at Sears yesterday. I cannot go from school to Read to Sears every night. I just can't. I will lose my mind. I'm still going to do the gymnastics because I really love doing that and working with little kids.
So Teachers Suck..
So last week my AP Econ teacher decided to basically tell us..."you guys are all seniors, you have less than two months of school left, none of you want to be here, and we still have work to do. There's going to be some of you that will try and some of you that won't, so it's up to you. You are going to have to do everything yourself, and I won't really be leading the class anymore unless you have questions."
Yeah...so this would be my hardest class. That's insane! I need him there to teach me, I can't teach myself. Yeah there's the book and everything, but you need more than a book for it to make complete sense. Especially in a class so hard.
Basically all of my teachers right now are giving us a whole bunch of work all at the same time. It seems like they all ran out of time and are giving us a bunch to do all at once to cram it in. That doesn't work out very well. Especially as seniors. Right now we're planning for the rest of our lives. We have to do so much...plan for our graduation, plan for college, choosing living situations, prepare ourselves for everthing to change, do homework, have jobs, maintain a social life, and stay mentally sane?? I don't think so... I know that I'm personally losing my mind.
And no one seems to understand how much stress we seniors are actually under. Everyone else seems to only care about themselves. It sucks. I really gotta try and stay positive through this..
Friday, April 10, 2009
Why did I pay for these exams?
I am going to take my AP Calc exam, as well. It's a week before the econ ones, so I shouldn't be in a bad position with the timing or anything. For the calc exam we could choose between taking two tests...AB or BC. AB, if you pass, you get credit for taking one term of college calculus. BC, you would get credit for two terms. So I am definitely taking the AB test. I chose this one because the AB test consists of everything we learned first and second term. The BC test consists of everything we learned all year, mainly third term. We are not even getting to finish everything needed to take the BC test. I think I have a way better chance to get college credit for the AB test.
So...it is the end of the year. I have three totally awesome exams that I already paid for and I have to take that are in May. I'm not very determined at all to study for these. I mean yeah I want to do my best, but I just dread studying. I'm guessing I won't. I'll do what my teachers give me and tell me to do, but probably no extra studying for me.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Some Place I Never Considered

This is where my next four years is going to be. One mile away from my house. Some place I've known since I was born. Some place I NEVER thought I'd be at. Some place I NEVER considered until I realized how bad I wanted to stay in Cedar Rapids. Some place I've competed at. Some place I practiced at every night. Some place I thought was not for me...
I never knew anything about the academics at Coe.
I never would have even considered it.
I knew people that I practiced with that went there, but they never talked about the school.
I never knew it was a good school.
I never knew I would ever look at the school
I'm majoring in accounting. I really like math. I want to become a C.P.A., which means I have to sit for the exams after my education at Coe. I've heard the exams are really hard.
I also think I might double major in public relations..
Coe is really good about getting people out of college in four years no matter what.
I've met people that have graduated in four years with a triple major, and that's really hard.
I'm excited for college. But, I'm also kind of nervous.. it's a big change.
TRUST...the most complicated word ever
I don't trust anyone. Well, I do trust some people, like some of my good friends and my close family members, but I really don't know if I trust anyone, besides my mom, completely.
I really think that's a problem.
I mean... I have a boyfriend that I'm really in love with...I should trust him.
I have some friends that have been my friend for 7 years...I should trust them.
I should trust my other family members more...but for some reason I don't
I'm scared to let poeple close to me. I'm scared they're going to hurt me or leave me. That's been my experiences with so many people. My dad, my best friend since I was in preschool, my past boyfriends that I've been closest too.
I really try not to talk about my personal life very much, to anyone. I think I don't want people to know the real me and everything about me, and then just leave.
Whenever I do let people close and tell them about...well...me...I become really close to them. Like, they become my best friends.
My biggest thing about trust is probably guys. Whenever I have a boyfriend, I spend a lot of time with them. We end up getting really close and they know a lot about me.
So.... my last three boyfriends...one I dated for 6 months, one I dated for 10 months, and one I dated a little over a year... they all cheated on me, or tried to and failed. I didn't put up with it and that's the reason why all of those relationships ended. I know these are high school relationships and stupid stuff like that happens all of the time, but it also happens when you are an adult and so I have really bad trust issues when it comes to thinking my boyfriend is or will cheat on me.
My current boyfriend...Rj.. tries really hard to prove to me and tell me that he is never going to cheat on me because I'm "the best girlfriend he's ever had. he wouldn't do anything to hurt me. he loves me. etc..." But hey, guess what? I've heard all of that before. I really want to believe him and I wish I completely did. That would make it so much easier.
I hate always thinking or worrying that my boyfriends are cheating on me, lying to me about where they are, lying to me about anything, talking to another girl for the reason that they like them.. it just freaks me out. I don't want it to happen again, but it's just what I expect from guys. I really really really hope Rj is not like that. He is the sweetest guy I've ever been with. The most real. He doesn't like drama...although it happens...he doesn't give up when something goes wrong. He wants us to be happy and work it all out. I love him.. I just hope its real this time.
I really need to get over my trust issues. It messes with me. Like if anything shady comes up I put up this wall and don't let anyone close to me, I don't let anyone know how I feel, I just don't, and it's terrible.
A Roommate While Still at Home...???
Sooo.... my friend's name is Ashlee. I love her to death. One of the main reasons she wants/needs to get an apartment is because her family's house has been on the market for the past 9 months. Two days ago someone finally put an offer on their house that her parents thought was almost acceptable. They counter offered and found out today...they accepted the counter offer. Good news right??
Well....almost good news. There are a couple things wrong with it...
1) They have to be out of the house in 3 weeks...aka about April 25th
2) She has siblings that are moving to New Mexico and being taken out of school a month before the school year is over.
3) I don't get out of school until May 27th, I graduate May 28th, and my graduation party is May 31st... this means I don't plan on moving out until June 1st... and Ashlee has no where to live until June 1st
Okay basically thats the jist of what's going on. So because Ashlee would have no where to live for about a month I offered her to stay at my house with my sister and mom. My mom said it was okay. The only problem is space. She would be staying in my room and we both have a lot of stuff :-/...
I know we could make it work, it would just be a little cramped and not what we're use to. So, in a few weeks, I might be having a roommate in my bedroom...
Leaving Home...
One thing about me is that I am a very independent person. I don't like people to come to my rescue if I'm in trouble. I don't like to depend on people to be there for me, just in case when I need them they won't be. There are very few people in this world that I would even go to if I was in trouble. My mom is basically the only one I fully trust and know that no matter what she will always be there for me if I need her. My sister, although we're getting closer now that we're growing up, still is too immature about some things to understand that she hasn't experienced yet. But, I do tell her way more now than I use to. My boyfriend, although we haven't been together very long, seems to be a very helpful person. He always wants to make sure I'm happy. He's pretty open with me about what's going on in his life and so that makes it pretty easy for me to open up to him.
So anyways...the whole point of telling you that is...I'm moving out because I feel like my mom has done so much for me that I don't want to have to have her keep paying for my living expenses longer than she has to. She is a single parent that basically pays for and takes care of two teenage girls all alone...with no child support or anything. (My dad might pay for something for my sister 3-4 times a month, and me probably once every two months.)
My mom has done everything for me my whole life. Yeah, sometimes when we were younger we couldn't afford certain things, but my mom has done the best she can to make mine and my sister's lives fulfilling.
So, I am moving out after graduation. I've had a job since I was 14 and am pretty good with money, I think. I will still see my family a lot, just not live with them. I am going to be living with one of my best friends in an apartment. I think it will be a good experience. I'm kind of nervous, but also kind of excited to have something thats mine that I'm investing my money in, and totally responsible for.
Graduate with Distinction
While in the library, our principal gave us a formula to use to figure out what G.P.A. we needed to get this term to accomplish that goal. So...the G.P.A. I need this term is 3.97. I really think I can get that. I mean I've gotten 4.0s before, it just depends how my classes are. My AP classes this term are focused on the exams we take in May, so we have a lot of completion work to get us ready for those. I really hope I make my goal, that would be sweet. I know no one else in my family has gotten anything like that. I'm gonna try to work hard for it...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I Dont Wanna Grow Up!!!!
So at it we were able to get a tour, stay the night (although I didn't), go to different sessions that help you learn more about Coe, and get financial aid advice. It was helpful, yeah, and the people were really nice, but all I could think about the whole time is I don't know what to expect out of any of this. It's a scary thought...the whole growing up thing. I'm going to be living on my own...which isn't a big problem for me. But I'm going to have to balance out my schedule to afford all of my bills, go to work, actually study and read my textbooks (which I never had to do to get by in high school, get all of my homework done, maintain a 3.0, still have a social life, and be able to spend as much time I want with my boyfriend.
It all just seems to be hitting me so fast. Like I have to make all of these decisions all at the same time and I know I have to, but it's so rushed and crazy that I don't know what to think half of the time. Or am I really making the right decision?? Coe has an average class size of 12-16 people in the class. That would be half of the class size I'm use to. True...this will get me more individual attention and more help from my professors if I need it. But it's all so stressful and scary that I don't have a choice. I have to grow up right now and decide my future. It's really hard because all up until senior year I knew I would go to college, but I had to make every single life changing decision within the last few months and I don't wanna be making the wrong choice.
Like sometimes I just wish I could wake up and be like ten years older with a good job and all of my decisions already made for me. I want a family when I grow up, and a husband, and a really successful job. But, making all of the decisions to get to that point is so hard!! I wish it was easier but it's definitely not...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
People Suck
But.. the reason my entire plan changed is because about a month ago Kirkwood sent me a letter saying that they were cancelling their accounting program for the fall of 2009, basically when I would be starting. They sent me this after they sent me a list of classes I would be taking, how much I would owe, housing information, and exactly what I would need to go there. The letter said I was only accepted if I changed my major and I would have to go through the whole application process again. Truthfully it was kind of a really rude letter... it kind of made it seem like I did something wrong and it was my fault for a program they originally said they had.
I was kind of freaking out after I got this letter, because I had so many plans figured out about where I was going to live, who I was going to live with, and everything. I didn't just wanna bail on all of my plans.. I was really excited for them. So I started looking for a new college.. this one in
Cedar Rapids because I kind of really want to stay in Cedar Rapids for a while. Like part of me wants to just leave Cedar Rapids as soon as I can and start over where no one knows me because part of me is extremely sick of this city and the people I have to deal with everyday. But, the other part of me, which is winning, wants to stay in Cedar Rapids and still be able to see my mom and sister every once in a while because they were all I had while I was growing up.
So, when I was looking for another college to apply to, I realized I had until March 1st, one week, to find a new college. It was so messed up and hectic. I really think that they should have given me more time. I mean my plans were set and they just send me a letter and expect me to figure out a second plan of what I want to do with my life in a week.
So, now I am going to Coe College next year. I got accepted with a $60,000 scholarship that I get over the four years. I'm pretty excited. I heard they have a good accounting program. So, I guess we'll see....
Changes in my blog...
One way it will change is last term I was pretty secretive about who I was and everything, but this term I'm going to be more open about who I am and more descriptive about certain places and some people.
I also changed the title of my blog. My last title was not descriptive at all, it was just some random thing I came up with when we were making up the blogs. This title still isn't very descriptive, but this blog seems to mainly be about how my life is changing by moving on from high school to college.
I hope my blog is a little more clear and understandable this term..
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Do I like Blogging?
The first couple blogs I had trouble with. I didn't know what to write about. I also am never really around a computer outside of school so it was hard to remember to be by a computer to actually write the blogs. I finally started writing about things that was happening in my everyday life. Almost every senior is worried about college and what they should do with their future, so that's one of the main topics I wrote about. I also wrote about high school, my relationships, and my struggles I encountered with them.
After writing numerous blogs I actually found it relaxing just venting on here and writing about whatever I was going through at the time. It became pretty easy for me to come up with topics to write about and I really do enjoy blogging now.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I miss gymnastics
I told my parents I wanted to be in gymnastics, and my mom listened to me and knew of a place she has taken pictures at for years that she could look at. It was a pretty cheap place; probably the cheapest one in the area, but it was still too much. It took all the way until I was in fifth grade for my mom to have enough money and she finally agreed to let me go.
Normally, girls start in level one and work their way up learning the basics. I started in level 3 and when I competed I actually did really well. I think my first competition I got 4th place. The next year in level 4 I got first! Normally only 12+ girls are allowed to compete at nationals, but because I got first I was allowed to compete. Again, I got first at nationals. It was so much fun!!
I went on the next two years, up until eighth grade, competing the next two levels. It was stressful on my body. I got back problems that I'm still experiencing today and a broken ankle, but it was definitely worth it.
I quit my freshman year of high school. It was a hard decision, but I wanted to be involved in school activities like swimming, diving, and track. I knew gymnastics and everything else would have conflicting schedules, so I chose school activities. Sometimes I regret it because I was good and I enjoyed it a lot, but being in school activities introduced me to a lot of people and it made my high school experience more enjoyable.
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Saturday, January 31, 2009
Last Dances..
My only problem with WPA is my date. I'm seeing this new guy now. He's really sweet and nice to everyone. He does have some of the same qualities of my ex, but he has those extra ones that I always bothered my ex about. It's kind of surprising how close we already are. We've been seeing each other for two weeks now and we've only not seen each other two of those days.
So anyways... He would obviously be the guy I would want to go to WPA with. But, he got kicked out of school about a year ago. I've heard a couple different versions of if he could go or not or if I had to talk to someone about it. I really want him to go, but I really don't have my hopes up that high to believe he will be able to. I'm of course going. It's my senior year, but I wouldn't feel right going with another guy. I don't know... As a friend maybe. Who knows. It's about a month away so I guess I'll see what happens
All Alone..
I don't mind being alone most of the time. I kind of really enjoy it. But, this time it was just a little different. I know I said in a few posts ago that me and my boyfriend of over a year broke up. I for real thought it was over then. I wasn't trying to talk to him. I wasn't going to see him. I started hanging out with this other boy, who is really sweet by the way, to make sure I didn't go back to my ex.
But, my ex took it way too far this week. He called me nonstop. Like 200 times in 2 hours with me never answering. About 500 text messages without me ever replying. He said he was sitting outside of my house waiting for me to get there. He threatened to break into my house, threatened to physically hurt me, and threatened to physically hurt anyone I was with. It was scary. I had to get my number changed. Again. About a month ago I got it changed for kind of the same reason.
This whole situation really bothers me because I know I should get a restraining order on him. Because I shouldn't be scared he's outside whenever I'm home. I know he's been here; I think it was when I wasn't here at least. I've gotten a letter from him in between my door yesterday morning and another letter about 4 days ago in my mailbox. Then, yesterday when I was coming out of school, because I get out at an earlier time than most people, I was walking out of school with two other people and I looked down the parking lot and my ex was parked behind my car waiting for me. I was freaked out.
Like I had no idea why he was there. He owes me money, but I said I didn't want it. I mean yes I would honestly love my money, but after everything he's been doing this week I would rather just not see him or have anything to do with him. So, I didn't go to my car. I went with the other people I was walking with.
This situation sucks really bad. I mean I really did have a good relationship with this guy and we both loved each other a lot. We were best friends. I understand that he's attached and misses me, but this is psycho and way overboard. I just don't know what to do. Because what he's doing is harassment and illegal. Basically stalking me. But, I would feel so bad pressing charges against him because he meant so much to me. I just wish it could have ended better. It ended good at first, then I don't know what happened with everything. He just snapped. This is a scary situation. I really don't know..
Easy Distribution
The two most common things used are marijuana and alcohol. Alcohol isn't used as much at school, but I could probably say about 60% of our school has came to school high at least once. There are so many people that do drugs, it's insane how many there are. You wouldn't really know that just looking at a person because some people that do them seem like the perfect A+ never do anything wrong child.
Marijuana and alcohol are just the main two things used to inhibit your mind. People pop or snort a lot of pills and get high that way. Some people like them better because you can't smell it and it makes a better trip for a shorter amount of time.
I've been so surprised within the last two weeks about how many drugs I have seen high school students do. I have no idea how it is so easy for all of these people to get ahold of these drugs so easily. I haven't seen many hard drugs like heroine and meth, but many pills, tranquilizers, and others.
I personally am not a person that would get into drugs. It's just not my thing. I like to be in control of my body and I barely ever feel safe enough to let my guard totally down with people around. I just think even experimenting with drugs would be a bad idea for me and I'd freak out. I'm not going to judge people if they do. I definitely don't think they should be doing drugs at all and I think it's really stupid if they do, but people are going to make their own decisions whether you back them or not.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Maybe Jobless..
I work at Red Lobster. It isn't a bad job. I love the people there. I've only worked there for 6 months and I've made some of the best friends I have. I am going to miss everyone a lot. I never really enjoyed working with food.. I think that was my biggest problem with the job. I wasn't creeped out by having to touch food or anything, I just didn't enjoy touching other people's food. Some of my managers are really some of the sweetest people ever, but a couple others of them didn't know how to deal with high school students. My manager got notice that a job opened at a Red Lobster on 5:00 some Thursday night. His last day was the next day. He was really good with high school aged people, understood that we liked to have fun while getting our work done, and understood that we have other priorities while still being in high school.
It's been about three weeks since he's been gone. We don't have a manager now. The other managers just look after the host and bar. None of the other managers have ever worked with this area of the restaurant and they honestly, not to be mean, don't know what they're doing. They don't really know who is good at what, or understand our schedules. They schedule us for the days we ask for off, which would be understandable sometimes if they really need someone, but it is every single request. Like my friend is really involved in show choir at his school and had a competition this week. No other person asked for the weekend off, and he got scheduled the entire weekend while he was suppose to be at his show choir competition. I mean, this kid is getting a scholarship for music in college, and they were trying to get in the way of that. They knew he was involved with it when they hired him. It's just a bad situation now.
I really think I would rather work at a daycare. This summer I coached little 5 year olds on a swim team. I loved every single one of those kids. I looked forward to helping them every single day. Working at a daycare I could also go there straight from school and work until they close at six o'clock. This would allow me to see my friends more often, but it will also help me with school. I will actually have time to get my homework done, clean my house, and get ready for college. I just hope I get that job.
I think it's been almost two weeks. I've never heard of anyone elses taking that long, normally a week. I know I have good enough grades, thats not an area of concern in my book. My thing is.. it was a pretty easy application that I filled out online.. but did I fill it out right? I'm just thinking I didn't fill it out right, or it didn't get sent and I'm sitting here waiting for somethings that's not going to come. It sucks waiting. I just want to get the whole process started with scholarships and money and living situations. It would be so much easier if it just magically got figured out by itself. Haha that is not going to happen. It's going to take a lot of time and patience.
I guess I'll just wait. They just started a new term at the school, so I think that might be what's holding up the letter. They could just be too busy with scheduling of the new students and classes.
What does a promise ring really mean?
On our anniversary he got me a promise ring. I was really surprised. He normally sucks at keeping secrets, but I didn't know it was coming. the ring was very beautiful. It was amethyst, which is bright purple, and my favorite color.
Probably about a week ago our relationship ended. It was out of nowhere. People made up a lot of rumors about both of us, everyone was fighting to keep us apart for some reason, and we didn't know what to believe. It was really hard. We both fought to stay together, but when people are saying a bunch of lies to you all the time, you dont really know what to believe. He was my best friend and the only person in this world that I could fully trust. I loved him a lot. Sometimes I just give in and talk to him, because he was such a big person in my life. I think about him a lot, He's still trying to get me back, but I dont know if I can handle all of the drama anymore and trust him how I use to.
What do I do with the promise ring? I personally don't have it in my possession right now. It's getting resized, but I'll get it in about a week. I would feel really weird wearing it, because it still means I'm attached to him, but I also don't want it to sit in my jewelry box, because I don't want to forget our relationship and he put a lot of thought and money into it. It was the best year of my life and I made the strongest connection with him. I'll always love him, but that promise is shot to hell now. We're not going to be together even if both of us want it. Not right now at least. There's just too much drama. I miss him a lot. I miss how comfortable we were together. Oh well... Love hurts. Good things have to end eventually.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
:( :( :( :( :) :( ???
I am content with the decision I've made, and I really don't like second guessing myself. I think people are allowed to say their opinion, but I don't think it's right for them to say I'm making the wrong decision and I'm screwing up my future. Thats not fair at all, and kind of hurts. I mean, I've worked hard to get to where I am now. My mom is one of my best friends and I've never lost her respect or trust, I've had a job and paid for everything myself since I was 14, and I've kept good grades all throughout high school and my entire education. It's not right for people to tell me I'm messing up my future just by going to this school when they've seen me work hard the whole time I was growing up. I wish this whole process was easier...
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
High School Dropouts Continued...
Okay now to my boyfriend. He is a super smart guy. His parents have paid a lot for his education by putting him through private schools up until his freshman year of high school. After his freshman year he made friends at the public school and really wanted to go there, so his parents let him. When he went to the private school, he had a 3.3-3.6 GPA all 3 semesters. His sophomore year at the public school, he got about a 3.0 GPA the first term and the next two years after that everything fell. He is obviously a really smart person. He knows a whole lot about life and he's a really good writer. He even had a poem published in a book, but he just let everything that happened to him outside of school effect his education. He stopped doing his homework to hang out with friends, he was tired all the time at school and either didn't go or fell asleep in class. When he tried he was a really good student, but when he didn't he didn't get very good grades. At the beginning of our senior year, my boyfriend came to about 7 days of school throughout the first month of school. He was way behind. He basically just slept while he was suppose to be at school. He eventually dropped out. His parents, the school, and I tried to help him, but it was ultimately his choice and his decision on what he wanted his future to be like.
My boyfriend admits he made a mistake and tells a lot of mine and his friends that they should stay in school as long as they can because the real world isn't as enjoyable as it seems. He is getting his GED and he has a full time job roofing. I can't be mad at him for making the decision he's made. People make mistakes and you have to learn to forgive each other. It's more or less... are these high school dropouts giving up on life and being lazy? Or are these high school dropouts admitting they made a mistake and working to better their life the best they can?
Moving Forward
I also think I might be okay with going to the community college because I am going to transfer to the University afterwards. I want to get into the accounting program at the University, which is a 5 year program there. So, I figure 2 years at the community college and 3 years at the university, I will be less likely to get bored going to that college because I will be in different surroundings during different years of my education.
I think I'm going to live in an apartment at the community college. My boyfriend says he wants to move in with me... it just depends. I mean by that time we would have been together for a year and a half and I do love him. I just don't want to get my hopes up and plan my future around him being there or around him living with me if there's a big chance it will fall apart. I really don't want it to fall apart, but I can't tell the future and I can't tell what's going to happen. I guess I'll just have to make different versions of plans and wait and see....