Tuesday, January 6, 2009

High School Dropouts Continued...

In my last post about high school dropouts at the end I mentioned I've talked to a few people that have dropped out. It's kind of disappointing to admit this, but the main 3 that stick out in my head are two of my guy friends who I would have never thought of doing it, and my boyfriend. My two guy friends didn't completely drop out, they did transfer to a more helpful school. This school does all of the same classes, with it being easier to get credits. It does have shorter days which helps the students go, but it also does take longer to graduate. I don't blame these guys for going there. It doesn't change who they are, some people thinks it does, but that's not right. They're still the same people, they just go to a different school. Whatever helps them graduate is the most important thing.

Okay now to my boyfriend. He is a super smart guy. His parents have paid a lot for his education by putting him through private schools up until his freshman year of high school. After his freshman year he made friends at the public school and really wanted to go there, so his parents let him. When he went to the private school, he had a 3.3-3.6 GPA all 3 semesters. His sophomore year at the public school, he got about a 3.0 GPA the first term and the next two years after that everything fell. He is obviously a really smart person. He knows a whole lot about life and he's a really good writer. He even had a poem published in a book, but he just let everything that happened to him outside of school effect his education. He stopped doing his homework to hang out with friends, he was tired all the time at school and either didn't go or fell asleep in class. When he tried he was a really good student, but when he didn't he didn't get very good grades. At the beginning of our senior year, my boyfriend came to about 7 days of school throughout the first month of school. He was way behind. He basically just slept while he was suppose to be at school. He eventually dropped out. His parents, the school, and I tried to help him, but it was ultimately his choice and his decision on what he wanted his future to be like.

My boyfriend admits he made a mistake and tells a lot of mine and his friends that they should stay in school as long as they can because the real world isn't as enjoyable as it seems. He is getting his GED and he has a full time job roofing. I can't be mad at him for making the decision he's made. People make mistakes and you have to learn to forgive each other. It's more or less... are these high school dropouts giving up on life and being lazy? Or are these high school dropouts admitting they made a mistake and working to better their life the best they can?

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